Christian Hutzinger: warm
Christian Hutzinger: warm
„To me, a wall is not merely a big canvas with rigid boundaries. I rather look for architectural anchors in space, which I could relate to a mural painting,” Christian Hutzinger describes an important aspect in his work. On canvas or paper the artist frequently uses objects from his immediate surroundings such as an item in his studio that can become the starting point for a piece of work through deformation and alienation. In this exhibition, however, Hutzinger seizes an odd, architectural element of the gallery’s lower room: A cube superimposed on a pillar – which in fact is the foundation for the building’s lift; a functional object that, owing to its form, is open to various forms of interpretation. Christian Hutzinger dips the object into bold colours of blue, grey and orange. In a small scale, the peculiar object also shows up in the exhibition’s collages and paintings: in the collages it interacts with coloured bars; in the paintings it serves as a scaffold for the bars. The artist has been devoting himself for many years to the motif of the vertical line, left and right of which coloured bars pile up, as well as playing with perfection and disorder. In his latest works, the line abruptly becomes a concrete object, an architectural form, which is also present in the reality of the room. Visitors of the exhibition are able to step into the image when entering the space below the cube. This is precisely the moment the exhibition’s title warm will reveal itself when the orange-red cube exudes its lamp-like rays unto the visitor.
Christian Hutzinger was born in 1966. He lives and works in Vienna.