viennacontemporary 2024


viennacontemporary 2024

Erwin Bohatsch, Untitled, 2024, Acryl, Öl auf Leinwand, 160 x 135 cm

Stand E05, Galleries Section

Preview: 12.09.2024, 12–21 Uhr
Public Days: 13. & 14.09.2024, 11–19 Uhr, 15.09.2024,11–18 Uhr

Galerie Martin Janda stellt an der viennacontemporary 2024 aus. Wir zeigen Werke von:

Erwin Bohatsch
Hugo Canoilas
Svenja Deininger
Werner Feiersinger
Július Koller
Roman Ondak
Tania Pérez Córdova
Rainer Spangl
Mladen Stilinović

Ausgewählte Werke finden Sie auch in unserem Online Showroom.

Wir freuen uns Sie zu sehen!



Kategorie: Messen

Tags: Ondak, Feiersinger, Koller, Stilinovic, Deininger, Perez Cordova, Canoilas, Bohatsch, Spangl

Art Basel 2024


Art Basel 2024

Mladen Stilinović, I am selling M. Duchamp Baby, 2006.


Stand L20, Halle 2.1

Die Galerie Martin Janda zeigt an der Art Basel 2024 Werke von:

Alessandro Balteo-Yazbeck
Erwin Bohatsch
Hugo Canoilas
Adriana Czernin
Svenja Deininger
Milena Dragicevic
Nilbar Güres
Jakob Kolding
Július Koller
Jan Merta
Roman Ondak
Tania Pérez Córdova
Roman Signer
Rainer Spangl
Mladen Stilinović
Chin Tsao

Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch!

Private Days: 11. & 12. Juni
Public Days: 13. bis 16. Juni

Ausgewählte Werke finden Sie auch in unserem Art Basel Online Viewing Room:

VIP Preview: 7. Juni, 14:00 Uhr – 12. Juni, 17:00 Uhr

Nilbar Güreş, Roman Ondak: Group Therapy. Collections in Dialogue

Stone Bell House, Prague City Gallery, Prag, Tschechien, 26.04.–11.08.2024

Nilbar Güreş, Roman Ondak: Group Therapy. Collections in Dialogue

Nilbar Güreş, LOVERS, 2011, genähte Textilien, Halskette, Foto: Stephan Baumann

Deutsche Telekom is the donor of an extensive collection of Eastern European art created over the last two decades. The collection was founded in 2010 and is based in Bonn. The GHMP has also managed to assemble a rather large collection of contemporary art from the 1990s to the present day over the past ten years. Contrary to the initial proposal by Nathalie Hoyos and Rainald Schumacher, the curators of the collection, to exhibit a selection from this remarkable collection, we have decided after mutual discussions to opt for a more active collaboration between our institutions. In the forthcoming project, we present a comparison of the two collecting approaches and attempt to confront the artists and their themes from our side and theirs. We also turn our attention to what both institutions reflect or pursue in their collecting strategies.

Deutsche Telekom works with the entire Eastern European area, while Czech artists are only [...]


Kategorie: Ausstellungen

Tags: Güres, Ondak

Roman Ondak: Infinitum

Fundació Antoni Tàpies, Barcelona, Spanien, 12.05.–22.11.2023

Roman Ondak: Infinitum

Roman Ondak, Parallel Worlds, 2022, Acryl auf Holz, 21 x 31 x 8 cm

Roman Ondak’s practice brings together various methodologies, from simply formulated situations in which he binds relationships between members of his family, various groups of people or spectators entering his exhibitions, to modified found objects or constructed spatial installations. Space and time are often systematically thematised in his works and intertwined with his personal history, bearing fragments of his memories of the years he spent as a child and teenager in relatively isolated Czechoslovakia during the autocratic communist regime.

Ondak grew to understand society’s attempt to order existence through divisions and classifications of inclusion and exclusion. This structure’s failure is what the artist questions in his work by revealing the potential of other orders, other patterns of behaviour, and, ultimately, alternative social and political possibilities. The impression that his work often gives, of [...]


Kategorie: Ausstellungen

Tags: Ondak